workin it out in america. read on for tall tales from adventures in the east and west.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

sunday in the park

so, badkitty and i spent an afternoon together today. we meandered through our local park and up to our local temple (oh, what an amazing thing to have a "local temple") whereupon we sat quietly inside the gorgeous space until we both couldn't hold our giggles any longer. we wandered out into the misty afternoon and climbed the very steep stairs to the bell tower next to the main worship building. being the badkitty that she is, she suggested right away we ring the bell. being the ninja kitty that i am, i wasn't so sure, but man am i glad she's such a badkitty:) we gently pulled back the wooden hammer and let is swing towards the steel bell. what a sound. so quiet. so personal. so ethereal in that mist. she moved towards the bell, laying her hands and face on the cold steel. i did the same. the reverberations were so gentle. so smooth. it was quite a moment.

we made our way back to my apartment across the neighborhood that divides our homes. we ate delicious strawberries and oranges, played with my favorite dragon, camped out on the floor and watched a ridiculous TV series that I've recently discovered called "Monkey" ( I can't even begin to describe the ridiculousness of this show, except to say that it is a late 1970's Japanese live action series based on an ancient Chinese tale dubbed into English by some very cheeky Brits. we decided that we must get it on the playa somehow. puttin' our thinkin' caps on for that one.

we capped off the lazy day with some fried egg samiches and family guy. i love this girl for many reasons, but now i have one more. she's finds this show as totally hilarious as I do. it was a fabulous day. super mellow and exactly what I needed.

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