workin it out in america. read on for tall tales from adventures in the east and west.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


apparently, it's easter. how would i know. i'm sure somewhere in your neck of the woods, the Sisters are holding their annual Hunky Jesus contest (see Noir on March 23rd). But if you just won't be able to make it out to strut your hunky self, here's some easter entertainment for you by PEEPS! i love peeps. i have fond memories of Peep Fight Club in our microwave in college, thanks to Anya (wherein you stick toothpicks in the peeps and set them up near each other in the microwave. push start and let the fun begin!) and of setting up a lovely peep display for an easter brunch after a (ahem) very late night at my house with one ms. lacey clarke.

anyhoo...enjoy! happy easter egg huntin'!


Anonymous said...

I just came across this entry and I would like to state for the record that evening was "worst idea EVER" that did result in some hilarious hijinks mostly involving dolores park and a lack of understand of time.

@ninjakittysf said...

indeed. fair enough. worst idea EVER except for when we got saved by the wonder twins while sitting atop the park!