workin it out in america. read on for tall tales from adventures in the east and west.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

A fourth of july vest

There really is no other title quite as appropriate as that. That’s what it was. A fourth of july vest. Why? I have no idea. We live in Korea. Our kids are Korean. Yet, even still, on this fair Independence Day week, as millions of Americans broke out the bbq and made flag cakes and wore ugly flag print dresses and popped off some fireworks in celebration of the country’s “independence,” we were required to engage our kindergarteners in a time-honored Koran tradition (?) – making a Fourth of July Vest out of cardboard and construction paper. Oh, and sliver star stickers. I’m not kidding.

Now, it’s very unclear to all of us why we must teach our children the traditions and customs of the US. But certainly a bit of healthy imperialism never hurt anybody, right? Riiiiight. So, I threw myself into the project and worked hard to trace and cut and prepare the 12 little cardboard vests for their Americana adornment. And below is the breathtaking result, complete with yours truly donning her own “sample” vest. Ah, I love korea. And apparently, korea loves us.

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