workin it out in america. read on for tall tales from adventures in the east and west.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

we build forts, i tell you

It’s maddening fun in our Korean abode. We do laundry! We collect garbage in our freezer! We make up silly stories about what news the kind and pleasant apartment announcer shares with us – last week Umi Apartments (our apartment complex) became a clothing-optional residential complex, this week, the gnomes went on strike, so I couldn’t use the gnome phone to call them down to do the dishes. Don’t ask, but it was a real bummer. And of course, in apartment 108, we build forts!

Laundry forts, fortified with clothespins clipped to the kitchen shelves, sheets as flying buttresses, socks as small ornaments to give the place some je-ne-se-quoi. And underwear mobiles for sheer entertainment.

You see, as the weather has gotten hotter, and swamp ass has become the official ailment of the summer, we can no longer rely on the sun porch as a place to dry clothes (as no one in korea actually owns a dryer). We have to dry them inside with a constant breeze on them so as not to have to do our laundry ten times to get the mildew smell out when they don’t dry fast enough (though jim claims that this smell is a figment of my imagination in some cases).

So, ladies and gentlemen, here you see jimmer, putting the final touches on our very own Fort Spray n’ Wash, bold and powerful in his ingenious construction but slightly confused by the panty mobile. Aren’t they all?

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