workin it out in america. read on for tall tales from adventures in the east and west.

Friday, April 4, 2008

growin' stuff

so, i was actually able to plant a full-fledge garden at the top of our building at school. I planted a bunch of stuff about three weeks ago, and everything is growing so fast! green onions, beets, carrots, radishes, peas, mint, basil... it's awesome. i took my kids up to the roof this week to sample some of the kale (yummy!) and arugula (mech, they said!). i made fun little row cards so kids can see what the veggies look like. many of the veggies aren't available in kroea. totally fun. sad that i won't see the garden come completely into being, but a handful of other teachers have promised to take good care of it. some pics below:
the garden

my signs!

my kids

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