workin it out in america. read on for tall tales from adventures in the east and west.

Friday, April 18, 2008

miho, the tattoo goddess

So, it finally happened. Badkitty got her tattoo, the beautiful, incredible, very large piece of art took two session to finish. And when it was done, what a gorgeous sight it was to behold. And what an awesome experience to be able to watch it all and help her document it. She designed the thing herself, and cursed herself every step of the way when it was being inked—for all the details, for all the fill-in. she had told me a bit about the studio before I arrived. Miho is known for her work on many gangsters in Korea and Japan. She’s a slight woman with a kick ass demeanor. When we got to the studio, there was nothing on the walls. A brand new studio that they just moved in to the day before. The only pictures up were a series of professional shots Miho did with a famous Korean singer she had tattooed. Her husband is there all the time helping to run the studio and set up appointments. They were both awesome. Wonderful people. Very funny. I settled into the inking room with badkitty and quickly became mistress of documentation. It was totally a blast. I’ve never watched anyone be tattooed before. I had some idea that it would be bloody and gross, but of course that’s not what it is at all. Miho was very smooth and fast. It was amazing to watch the whole thing come together. She was on the table for about three hours when Miho called it quits, to be finished the following week. And so, we made our way back to our respective homes, her with a fabulous tattoo and me with total inspiration for more work on the one I have:) But not for a while, don’t worry mom:)

1 comment:

Lupe Sandoval said...

Hello!! I'm living near Gwangju and really want a tattoo.. Could you give me Miho's info??