workin it out in america. read on for tall tales from adventures in the east and west.

Friday, April 4, 2008

i'm a disco master

i did it. i think i have actually (almost) mastered at least 2 routines in my insane aerobics class. i LOVE it. and the teacher loves me--the only foreigner in the room. yesterday, she told someone in korean that i'm very good...that i'm very "smooth." which is truly hilarious since i spend 90% of the class throwing my arms up in the air and trying desperately to remember how to coordinate a box step. i managed to snap some pics last night. i couldn't resist. there's simply no way to explain the experience. the fashion. the spontaneous disco lights in the middle of a routine. the ladies in the picture are clearly the stars of the class. they never wear the same outfit twice. never.

so, here's a small peek into my world of crazy korean dancing...

the star dancers

1 comment:

Skipper Kim said...

I would friggen LOVE this!